
Film: Red, white and green

Written by Nicola Jones - Nature Climate Change.


Film: Red, white and green

Nature Climate Change (2011) doi:10.1038/nclimate1224
Published online 04 September 2011
A stream of scientists tell us that the Arctic could disappear in a decade, one in every two animals could go extinct, the ocean will rise, extreme weather will hit the planet and, ultimately, climate change will lead to the “potential decline and collapse of civilization”: Carbon Nation starts with the same climate change sermon everyone has heard before.

Then the film takes its critical turn: “I've heard enough. I don't need to hear any more about 'we're all doomed'. We know it's a big task, but it's also a fantastic, and huge, opportunity,” says a lone voice at the end of the documentary's introduction.

Carbon Nation is a film about solutions, not problems, proclaims its US director and producer, Peter Byck. More than that, it's a film about solutions that will make every-day Americans cold hard cash. So, they can get behind action on emissions even if they don't believe that climate change is a big problem or that people are causing it — as, the movie tells us, a third of Americans still do. “If you don't give a damn about the environment, [act on climate change] because you're a greedy bastard and you just want cheap power,” advises Carbon Nation interviewee Sean Casten, president of the Westmont Illinois-based company Recycled Energy Development.

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