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Coming soon...
"Believe it can be done...really believe...your mind will find the ways to do it...
~ David Joseph Schwartz
Solutions! That's what carbon nation is all about! That was the drive behind the desire to make this film but we can't do it alone...we need YOU.
Each one of you has a unique talent, perspective, attitude, friendship, philosophy or resource that can bring immediate and lasting change. Through, you have the ability to pass that message on to the world. Your idea may inspire someone else and eventually we'll find the "best of the best" to apply to the issues at hand.
Submit Your Solution to carbon nation
Check out some of the Solutions we've already collected
Together we can make a difference!
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do something
Here are a few things you can do:
Make a tax-deductible donation to keep carbon nation's efforts moving forward
Arrange a screening in your neighborhood
Pledge now to attend one of the upcoming screenings of carbon nation
Drop us a line to say hello and share your suggestions about other things we might offer