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past event in washington, d.c.

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Soil Carbon Cowboys

Please join filmmaker Peter Byck and leading Grass Fed Beef rancher/scientist Allen Williams as they present a new 12 minute film, "soil carbon cowboys." Byck and Allen will then discuss the ASU*SoilCarbon Nation's regenerative grazing research plans to measure potential benefits: carbon sequestration, animal health, water infiltration & retention, methane & nitrous oxide emissions, insect, wildlife, fungi & bacteria populations and rancher well-being.

Featured Speakers:

Peter Byck
Director and Producer, Soil Carbon Cowboys and Carbon Nation
Professor of Practice, School of Sustainability and Cronkite School of Journalism, Arizona State University
Allen Williams
Founding Partner and President, Livestock Management Consultants
Founding Partner, Grass Fed Beef
Chairman, Association of Family Farms

To RSVP for the event,  go to the event page:
For questions, contact Kirsten Holtz at New America at (202) 735-2806 or,
email her: holtz AT newamerica DOT org


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